How to Get Away From Scammer

People are now savvier more than ever but I believe that felons are also now wiser. Most crimes of today all boils down to money and people are finding so many ways just to safe-keep their money where it grows. So the plot now goes like this, felons, who are expert by what they do, will capture these people that will invest on him and practically gives their money voluntarily to the felon thinking that their money will somehow come back to them 400 times larger. Let’s all admit to it that they are really convincing and their offers are enticing but let me tell you this, anyone who wants something from you will say all the things that you want to hear just so you could give them what they want.

So how do you actually prevent and avoid getting trapped to these investment scams? Aside from finding all the legitimate documents and proofs that it is authentic, you should also learn at least the basic and fundamentals of investment in a marketing view and in a finance view. In this way, you will have an idea of how investment works in numbers or figures sense and in a management way. You could read books about simple investment or you could research online on how investment works and if you really wanted to learn in advance you could sign up to courses online or to classes offered in universities or colleges.

Another tip from me in avoiding investment scam is to get your most trusted friend who knows about investment, if not expert, to check if the investment is good or worth taking the risk. This advice, I think, is not only applicable in sensing a scam but also in sensing if the investment you are about to make is good or great. Having a friend that you trust will become handy whenever you have questions about a certain investment deal because he already has an experience in the field and most likely knows what an investment scam looks like which then will help you to avoid it.

Last tip that I can give to you is I think the most effective for me and it is having a good judgment. Because having a good judgment will send you triggers, feelings and cues that something is wrong or something is sketchy, skeptic and doubtful this will then help you to make a mind map that will give yourself a satisfaction that that deal is good and real. For example, when a person offers you an investment that is so enticing and luring, if you have a good judgment you will have second thoughts first before accepting that deal. However, a person who is gullible or does not have a good sense of judgment will, without a doubt, sign the deal.

All the advice and tips that I wrote here will somehow help all of us avoid and prevent getting deceived from all kinds of hoax and frauds. In summary of what is written above, To prevent getting trapped in investment scam is to learn the basic of investment in a managerial way and in finance way, Have a friend who has a good experience in investment field to check  if the deal is good and finally, develop a good sense of judgment and listen to it. Many people are getting deceived and losing their money to people who are giving them false high hope but with these defences I told you, you can somehow have a weapon to protect yourself from being caught in the villain’s trap.



Updating the Old Closet

Marketing Management is very vague and very broad. In fact, from the simple thing of just persuading your parents to let you go out with your friends is already marketing, up to trying to make a marketing plan of a multi-national corporation, all those are marketing management. Selling your ideas, marketing your products and persuading people to agree on your side is all marketing management. And it comes with great skill to become a great marketer. Knowing all the basic up to the advance principles and lessons in marketing and then executing all those in real life application is a requirement to develop that skill but I firmly believe that all management must have a strong strategy in order to stand because management alone cannot last long on its own.

Marketing management has been with us since the old times and there have been so many principles that developed along with it. There are: mutual advantage, strategic orientation, individualization of demand, integration of marketing, bench marketing and many more. All these constitutes to what a management is and how it can contribute to your goal as an organization.

Now, in the current times, the old principles are still effective and being utilized but with newer approach and for newer purposes. As the time change and evolve into better technology, high quality and luxurious demands are increasing therefore many new businesses rise up to meet those demands. In the millennial generation, travelling by far is the trendiest and most sought after demand by people who can afford it.

In the latest statistics of Philippine expenditure as of August 2016 made by Euromonitor, people usually go on a vacation during their annual leave meaning they plan their leisure activity ahead of time. People also are travelling more often during the holiday season in December or if not during the summer season of April. With these data, we can safely assume that travel marketing in the Philippines is really a good and growing business.

In conclusion, even though the principles are established a few generations back, we can still adapt it to what is the trend now and utilize it for the new businesses that rise up. That travel marketing is a progressing business in the Philippines and that the Filipinos are willing more to buy for the experience of leisure in their free time.



Brow Lounge at SM San Lazaro

Brow Lounge is a body hair grooming salon that is expert in shaping up your eye brows. They also prep your other body hairs like on the legs, underarms, whole body and even in your private part. You can choose in what manner you’d want to remove your hair; threading, hot waxing or cold waxing but if the hair is not long enough, it would have to be through threading.

My friend introduced me to Brow Lounge, she goes there ever since she tried underarm waxing since then we have been waxing buddy, haha! We go back there monthly to get our underarms waxed. Our branch is at SM San Lazaro and our favorite person to wax our underarms is ma’am Jen. I really like her because she is really tidying up the left out hair. Some hairs are too small for the wax to pull so she’d have to pluck it or thread it. She’s really good at her job compared to the other employees I’ve had experience with.

The process of waxing is really painful. Before I had my underarms waxed for the first time, I really did an online research on how painful waxing is and everyone says that it is really painful but the pain is of course tolerable depending on the body part that will be waxed.


When I had my first waxing, I was scared. There are many things going on inside my head. It was like I was undergoing a surgery. I was panicking deep inside like; what if I screamed? What if I cried? It would be embarrassing if I cry here. Will there be blood? What if I bleed? But I can’t back out now, I’m already lying down and I have taken my shirt off. And then, the girl that will do my underarm entered the room with a jar of warm wax. She asked me to raise both of my arms and put powder to it. I was kind of conscious at first because you know there’s hair and all but I just thought that this is her job and she must have been used to it. So then she started spreading the actually-not-so-warm-hot wax on my underarm using a wooden flat stick, and then she stick a white paper-like cloth on top of it and rubbed her fingers on it. In one swift second, she pulled the white strip without hesitations. My reaction was first ‘uhhhh, okay.” And then “shhhhhhh*t!!! ugggghhhhhhhhh ffffckkk” but that was all in my mind of course, outside, my face was just straight but actually I’m screaming inside. After that, she plucked the rest of the hair and did my other underarm too and finally, applied a gel to cool off my underarm. When everything was finished, my eyes were already watery. But at least I didn’t cry whew!



Menu offerings for both men and women differ

Since then, I have always been waxing my underarm. I don’t want to go back at shaving because it is not good for the skin specially the skin in your underarm. Also 150 pesos is worth it, if you wanted to take care of your body. For the aftercare, just don’t wet the skin with water after 6 hours from waxing.

I recommend all the ladies out there to try waxing first. It is really painful, I’m not going to hide it but like they say no pain no gain. The benefits of waxing are great if you really wanted a flawless and long lasting bald underarm haha!


Ang Favorite Book ni Jude

Ang Favorite ni Jude was a play by Teatro Tomasino adapted from Bob Ong’s famous book “Ang Paboritong Libro ni Hudas”

It was a story of a guy who grew up as a very religious man but when a catastrophic incident happened to his family, he went the total opposite. He doesn’t believe in God anymore. He became drug addict and jobless. His wife always gets mad at him and is always thinking of what has happened to him and where to get their daily needs. But one thing that Jude, the father and the hero of the story, never stop doing was being a loving father to his only son

Pizza Hut 

Do you know my hobby when I’m bored?

Eating. and not just eating, eating whatever I want.

My plan this week was to save money and get back the savings that I impulsively spend on things (food) last week but instead this happened…

So when we were walking inside SM San Lazaro with my friend, we immediately stop and think of where should we eat and we decided to eat at Pizza Hut.

They have a combo meal for 2 for only 299. It includes, 2 different flavors of pizza, 2 different pasta, 2 mushroom soups with 2 glasses of Coke.

While we were waiting outside to be accommodated, I saw this one lady working as a promotion girl wearing a cute waitress uniform with this instrument in her hand jingling it while doing a little dance. It was absolutely an attention-getter.

I, personally, was embarrassed for her. It was okay if she isn’t the only one doing it but she was alone there dancing. So I refused to look at her anymore and just waited patiently in line for a table.

While waiting, I was already looking inside for a table where I want to sit. I always wanted to sit in the couch. Anywhere I eat, I always look for the couch if there is any available. Fortunately, there was one family who was done eating and already preparing to leave. So I asked kuya server to put us there but he said that it was reserved (which I highly doubt). Given the circumstances that there were so many people who wants to eat meanwhile we were just two, I understand and just seated to a table for two.

So we ordered and waited.

The place was so busy. There were so many customers asking for things to be brought to them; asking for water; asking for more tissue; asking the table to be cleaned; asking for the bill and so on and so forth.

During all the commotion, there was this one waiter who accidentally shattered a glass while cleaning a table. And then everyone fell silent and looked at him and to what he has done.

I felt bad for him because even though it was his negligence, it was still an accident and his pay slip is gonna pay for it. So he swept the glass shards and walked away like nothing happened.

Just by looking at all the waiter and waitresses working hard at a busy hour, I couldn’t help but think that service is a 2-way process. If the customer wouldn’t cooperate then whatever the management will be doing is bad to their eyes. They won’t be satisfied.

I know, I love hot sauce


Street Food Fair

After a very long and tiring day from the fatiguing hike to the summit of Pico de Loro, we were all exhausted to the ride home (not to mention, starving). So while we were being dropped off by our service van to Cubao, our eyes couldn’t fail to catch the Street Food Fair happening at Gateway. From inside the moving van, we could see so many stalls and booths of different kinds, offering various types of food. so we decided to check it out.

When we got out, we immediately walked our way to Gateway. When we got there, the ambiance looks so much fun and alive. It was like that old feeling you get from an evening with your friends in the perya. The sound of electro-pop loud music, the smell of different kinds of food, the sight of many delicious food and people who are happy bonding with their loved ones and friends while eating, all those took my grievances away.

We didn’t know what to eat. There were so many choices. There was pizza with many toppings, pasta with different sauces, stick foods with different parts of chicken through it, Filipino viand combos, and desserts like yema cakes and many others. Of course there were many types of beverages too. We were overwhelmed from the variety of choices.

After careful deliberation of what to eat, we finally came to a final decision that we would buy 100 pesos worth of 1 pizza slice and any pasta of our choice. The taste? aweful!

The carbonara that I bought was super bland, like it was super saucy but you couldn’t find the taste of it. The pizza was also bland and the top has a very weird and awkward taste and texture. It was all in all a yuckie food.

So being not satisfied at all with our first choice, we were out again for a pursuit of food that will satisfy our tummies. and we landed on a hotdog on stick (wow, just wow)

Maybe our appetite was ruined having to taste that ew pasta and pizza, so a hotdog on stick will do. At least it was tasty.

So after eating it and resting for awhile, I saw a dessert booth that offers 3 types of mini-cakes of your choice for 150 or 2 semi-large cake. what I took home was 1 chocolate mini-cake and 1 mini yema cake, while my friend got 1 mini yema cake too and we shared the price.

Going home I still feel the tiredness of my legs but at least I have something to loook forward to when I got home, my delicious sweets to munch in.

mini-cakes for 150



disgusting pizza and pasta combo