Caffe Dolce at Banawe

Watchu gon, watchu gon, watchu gon do with that dessert?!

Who doesn’t love dessert? Who doesn’t love buffets? And who doesn’t love dessert buffets?! Let me take you to Caffe Dolce at Banawe for a sweet ride…

Caffe dolce is a dessert buffet that offers a wide variety of sweets and a little “pampatanggal umay” on the side. You can indulge all the sweetness that you can for two hours for 299.

They offer anything sweet you can imagine: ice creams, halo-halo, brownies, cupcakes, tiramisu, cakes, doughnuts, ensaymadas, sylvannas and etc.

For their non sweets, they have noodles, rice, veggies, coffee and tea.


What I like here, aside from their food, is their quick service. Maybe because it was still early when we got there and there’s not much customer, but they were all eager to serve us and answer all our inquiries with happy faces. They even helped us at our so called photoshoot.

Another thing I like about this place is the interior. They have such a girly interior with translucent violet chairs, ballerina wallpapers and teddy bear stands.

In line with the Chinese New Year vibe, they have a photobooth outside, complete with different costumes for you to wear and post on social medias with hashtag CaffeDolce (way to go marketing!) 


Did we have fun? Are we satisfied? Uhh yes!

Fusion 2016

Fusion 2016 is a music festival here in the Philippines at the MOA Concert Grounds last January 29, that showcases the talents of OPM artist promoting the Pilipino Music hits of all time.

I was with my friends and we had a Gold ticket. So we got to MOA through the LRT and rode a jeep and walked to seaside.

When we got there, Aegis was already performing their favorite hits and everyone was just singing with them inside and even the people outside the concert grounds.

Inside, the people are so energetic and hyped. So we jostled our way to get near the front and enjoy it closer.

The event was tiring, hot, sticky, sweaty and our legs are already screaming cramps! But all that was worth it when Sarah Geronimo went out to the stage.


Sarah Geronimo singing Tala

I was so stunned when I saw her up close. She’s a total package. I really like her and her personality plus she can dance too. ‘Til she mentioned UST, that’s when I lose my shit. 

You know that feeling when you really know the answer to the question so your hand shoots up for a recitation? That’s how badly I felt when she said that she loves UST and that her sister studies here. We were screaming wildly wanting her to notice us. Proud Thomasians mag-ingay!! Haha

There were other talented artists there too like  6cyclemind, Parokya ni Edgar, Chicosci, Callalily, KZ Tandingan, Ebe Dancel, Noel Cabangon, Ogie Alcasid, Janno Gibs, Yeng Constantino, Gloc 9 and many others.

I’m really thankful to witness that event and I hope that they organize more events like that to promote and celebrate the Pilipino Music.

Bataan getaway

Brgy. Puting-buhangin, Orion, Bataan. That’s where I’ve been for the long weekend. A vacation that’s better with people you love and enjoys their company, so we can’t wait for our saturday classes to end and go to Bataan!

We met up at Jollibee Asturias and went to Gem’s house and from there, in a van with her lolo and mother, our journey starts.


Gem and I at Jollibee Asturias

The ride is roughly 4 hours from QC to destination but we were never bored for I was our official DJ. Hahaha My phone and music library was the main source of boredom killer that everyone can relate, music!

When we got there it was already 8PM and our first meal was sinigang na hipon, ugh it was heaven!!

The morning after, we immediately checked out the view of the beach.

It was super cold and we went down to the shore to experience the cold waves and breeze of the sea. We just played in the water and took many pictures.

We didn’t really swim, we just went deep enough to our thighs until I saw a black jellyfish. I screamed to them “may dikya!!!” And pointed to the creepy black jellyfish swimming against us. We quickly walked back to shore fearing that the jellyfish is in the bad mood.

After that incident, we went on boat riding to the breakwater. I didn’t get a photo of it because I didn’t bring my phone. I was just being cautious for my phone’s sake.

Basically, it’s just big island of rocks in the deep part of the sea to lessen the strength of the big waves when it reaches the shore.

My gosh the boat was so shaky! It’s really frightening to ride a boat especially if you’re not good at swimming, and all I got at going to the breakwater are wounds on my palm. Yeah, it’s still an experience.

After that, we ate lunch and just took a lot more photos haha!

For dinner, we ate crabs! It looks yummy but I’m not really an expert at opening up crustaceans so after struggling to get its edible part, your appetite is already gone haha

For ou last night, we just played 1-2-3 pass. Surely we will miss that place.It was all possible because of Gem’s family. If it hadn’t been to them, we wouldn’t have experience the Bataan sea. 

Gumbo’s at Megamall

For the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, I and my friends went to Megamall to go try and eat frozen yogurt at the rising star Blk 513 at SM Megamall. We got there riding the UV Express from Isettan straight to Ortigas. When we arrived, it was already lunch time and we were all hungry. We were looking for a perfect place to dine and satisfy our hunger and we end up at Gumbo’s.


Interior of the place

They have an interior of New Orleans Style (based on my judgment haha!) and they have a bar too which means they offer alcoholic drinks also but what we ordered was spaghetti, chicken, buffalo wings and pizza.


I liked their service because of Kuya Lexter. Kuya Lexter is the one who accommodated us starting from the outside of their restaurant till we were done.

First, he encouraged us to get inside and try their food and then led us to our seat. The good thing about that is that he asked us where we would want to sit which most restaurant forgot to asks and for me it was really a sweet and sensitive move haha!

Second, he gave us the menu and while we were looking at it, he also enumerates and explains their bestseller food to help us choose our food.

Last, while eating whenever we ask him favors like getting us water refill or taking a picture of us, he adds humor to his services which is a big deal for me as a customer (plus his dimples and tall stature hihi! <3)

I wasn’t able to get a picture of him because we were shy to ask and I couldn’t make a stolen shot because he was really looking at us most of the time waiting if we need any help.

If I had the time and money again, I will surely go back there because of their food and most importantly their service. (or server *wink)

Falling for Beyond Coffee

Beyond Coffee is located at P. Paredes St. Sampaloc, Manila near UST and FEU. They offer rice meals, pasta, sandwiches, frappes,coffee  and cakes. We ate there with my blockmates for lunch on January 27, 2016.

What I love there is that the interior of the place gives you that antique and vintage feeling because of their displays. From the wooden tables to the mirrored walls (perfect for the vain ones!) to the free wifi, this place is perfect for those who are looking for an Instagramable cafe in the city.


Caution: hot!

It was my second time there when I took that photo, so what I ordered on the first visit was also what I ordered then, Tuna Cheesemelt and Carbonara Pasta (cheese and carbs lover forevs!).

It was such a memorable day because my friend (whom I won’t name) fell from her chair and we shattered the bowl of my Carbonara. Ooops! We were so shocked that we didn’t even help our friend from getting up (we’re sorry!). Instead, we stared at her until a server stepped in and cleaned our mess. We were so shy and shocked and also the people around us too! It was all so fast and we didn’t even know how to act after that. So we just left the place laughing and deciding never to come back there ever again. Goodbye Tuna Cheesemelt!


Paskuhan 2015

It was a wet Paskuhan and everybody is lining up at the gates of UST wanting to experience the annual Christmas celebration of UST, the tiger way.

On the morning of the celebration, we first had to take our last exam (wow diba?!) in Business Communication and there were so many booths from different brands, businesses and organizations that are already set up in Quadricentennial Square, Benavides’ Park and the Plaza Mayor. You can really feel the Paskuhan vibe from the looks and get up of the people everywhere. People line up too to the different kiosks with their gimmicks and games while waiting for the event to really start in the afternoon.

Before taking our exam at 10 AM, we played at the booth of AXN and even won a prize which is a bag that looks like the famous brand (not the J one, the H one!), so we took our exam happily and couldn’t wait to finish it.

After the exam (what a relief!), I got dressed in my dorm and met up with my friend from high school and took a stroll in UST. When we got tired from walking, we sat in the field and rested there when suddenly; we saw a half-man half-horse giving away free hugs which I totally gave in haha!

he smelled really good!


Then we watched 3D mapping at the main bldg., the UST Yellow Jacket’s booming performance, various bands in practice gym and of course the most-awaited fireworks display at the Grand Stand. The fireworks was disappointing at first because they started it so late than the expected time and when they did, rain came pouring down on us but all those were gone when the fireworks lighted up the night sky making us say “wow” and truly making me feel a proud Thomasian.